Friday, November 27, 2009


I've been thinking about loneliness lately.

Sometimes it is a good feeling, to be alone. At the end of a hectic day, to be able to have a quiet moment, the kids safely tucked in, it can be nice.

Whenever I have out of town guests, taking them to the airport or watching them drive away always brings tears to my eyes and an ache to my chest. It is a temporary loneliness that is heartfelt, to be sure, but quickly replaced by the bustle of typical daily happenings.

A dear friend is experiencing the loss of her husband...this feeling of loneliness I cannot even imagine. To know that he will never walk through that front door again must be the mother of all heartsick feelings. How does one live with that hurt? Do daily happenings ever make it go away?

Another friend experienced the loss of a husband to divorce. Spending holidays alone because the kids are with their dad. My heart hurts just trying to imagine it!

I am lonely for Mike. My heart hurts knowing he is lonely, too. The kids keep me busy and he WILL be walking through that door. And soon! It is a different kind of loneliness, because it is tempered with anticipation and excitement.

I have been thinking about loneliness lately. And I can hardly wait for Mike to return to us. I am blessed and I am thankful. I need to remember that and reach out to my truly lonely friends, especially during the holidays. Have you hugged a lonely person today?

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